Tuesday, August 2, 2016

What Did You Learn in School Today?

What a wonderful second day of school!  We spent more time getting to know each other, and we started to look at what it means to be an IB learner.  Students also spent time learning to work in small groups and with partners today.

This afternoon students worked on a puzzle to find out facts about their classmates.  Our classroom community is beginning to develop strong relationships and students are working well together!

We inquired into representations of the IB learner profile in literature today.  We read a book called The Empty Pot by Demi and students worked together to determine how the main character demonstrated all the traits listed in the learner profile.  We also made posters to represent each of the traits.  See some excellent examples below.

Thank you so much for your flexibility with dismissal this afternoon.  Please make sure you check my email from Ms. Newton for more information.  It is important that all students have a rainy/severe weather plan for dismissal.

I am looking forward to seeing you and your families at the F.AVE Picnic on Friday at 5!

Have a great night!  I'll see you tomorrow.

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