Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Simply Amazing!

Thank you to all the students today for their hard work leading up to the F.AVE Finale!  All of the students did an amazing job with their presentations, and I've heard nothing but wonderful things from other teachers.

The end is very close for us!  This time of year is bittersweet.  I'm super excited for the students to move on to middle school and I know they will all have many successes in the future, but I'm very sad to know that I won't be seeing them each day.  I've had a great year with working with this group of students.  I was even brought to tears this morning during the Finale after watching and hearing all the great things the students remember about this year.

Remember we still have two more days of school.  Tomorrow is an important day because we will be reflecting on Exhibition and the last 7 weeks.  We will also have our birthday celebration.

If you have any pictures or videos of your students, please share!  I would love to see it.

Tomorrow is Wacky Tacky Day!

Have a great night!

Mrs. Prophet

We're Going to Be Friends!

Here we are, no one else We walked to school all by ourselves There's dirt on our uniforms From chasing all the ants and worms We clean ...