Friday, November 18, 2016

Remember When?

Here are some highlights of our work this week.  From cattle drive simulations and fractions to pledge videos and argument writing, students were extremely engaged and busy with inquiring into how innovation and migration are key factors in shaping our world.  Here are some pictures.

Monday, November 14, 2016

What Do Magnets Stick To?

We completed an investigation on Friday and determined that magnets stick to our classroom walls and lots of other places inside our classroom.  Here are some pictures from the work that we did on Friday.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


I wanted to let you know that students did a reflection about how they are feeling about the election today in class. 

I asked the students to answer the following question:  The Presidential Election of 2016 was completed on Tuesday, and a winner was announced.  Please describe how you are feeling about the election and why.  

Many of your students have questions and are having trouble expressing their ideas and feelings respectfully to their classmates at appropriate times.  My hope is that they are able to express in writing what they are feeling better than when they speak to each other.  The students have been talking about it all day and I feel like writing about it will help us maintain our focus on our academic needs as well as address our feelings and concerns.  Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Be sure to bring your lunch for our field trip to the Atlanta Symphony tomorrow morning.  Also, if I don't have your permission slip, please send it back in the morning our your student will not be able to go.

We're Going to Be Friends!

Here we are, no one else We walked to school all by ourselves There's dirt on our uniforms From chasing all the ants and worms We clean ...