Thursday, March 19, 2020


Isn't it ironic how spring is popping up all around us and we should be excited to be out and about, but yet we are stuck inside (or we should be)?

It seems like the weather is finally giving us some super nice days and yet we can't go to the park to enjoy that weather with friends. We are struggling to make sense of the world and all that is happening with COVID-19.

It has gotten to the point at our house that we were talking about deleting the useless sports apps on our phones because it is too sad to see them without any new scores. The only updates we get are related to Tom Brady and who really cares about that?

There are some things that haven't changed. I still need my caffeine fix. Diet Coke has been working really well for me, so I'll stick with that. However, I definitely have a lot more places to lose my drink in the house and not nearly as many eyes to look for it. I am missing my kiddos like crazy!

Today has been an interesting day around here. I've had a few discussions with my introverted friends who are all feeling like a little human contact would be great and conversely, I've spoken with several extroverted friends that are thriving and enjoying the slowdown, time at home with family. The world seems to be upside down.

I know it is definitely upside down at my house. Pandemic teaching entered Day 4 today and we finally got into a rhythm. Or at least I didn't feel as stressed out.

I learned from one of my students that Brad Pitt is the cause of the Coronavirus pandemic and that Donald Trump looks stupid when he talks about the virus. These are all important 'facts' to remember when dealing with the pandemic. Yes, the students say these are well-known facts.

The day started off with me filing a hostile work environment claim with my supervisor. My coworker would do nothing but shoot nerf guns and watch YouTube. Luckily, Mr. Prophet was here to deal with my coworker's failure to follow company protocols.

Once we got down to the business of learning, we inquired into gravity as well as force and motion, also known as stacking up bottles and cans to hit them as hard as we can with a stick. I called it science. You may call it destruction. Whatever it's called, we worked on it for a long time.

We also spent some time learning how to sweep off the back porch. I thought this task would be easy and not require much instruction. Clearly, I was wrong.

I tried working outside, but the pollen and the trees felt like I needed to be pollinated so that only lasted a few minutes.

We finally decided to work on some art and games. This was the most peaceful part of my day.

Thankfully, this is a period of trial and error and that everyone is having a similar adventure. No matter what happens, we are all doing our best. Our kids are going to be ok because we took the warnings seriously. No one is failing any kids unless we choose to ignore them in this crisis. Talk with the little people in your life. They will make you laugh and they will keep you sane (even if the school at home makes you crazy).

Now, where did I put my Diet Coke?

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