Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Winter in America

I hope everyone had a wonderful break!  I can't believe that this is the last week of February.  Winter certainly has been reminding us all that it is not over yet!  This week we are introducing our UOI for term 5 - How the World Works.

We are working on Greek and Latin roots in vocabulary this term.  This week we are working on struct (build) and tract (pull).  Both of these roots will be useful in our studies of constructive and destructive forces that shape our world.  Students also need to be mindful of their AR goals this term.  If you need more information about your student's goal, please let me know.  

Also, we are beginning our studies of volume and area.  Students began working on volume today by constructing towers using unit cubes.  We will focus on volume for the first half of the term, and we will work on area during the second half.

In social studies, we are beginning to look at World War 2 and the causes behind the war this week.  We will specifically be looking at the Treaty of Versailles and how it was a constructive and destructive force before World War 2.

Finally, if you would like to sign up for a student-led conference (February 26th from 4-6), please let me know and I can send you the sign-up genius link.

Have a great night!

Mrs. Prophet

Monday, February 9, 2015

Rainy Days and Mondays

We have reached the end of Term 4.  Students have worked very hard this term, and we are very excited to be wrapping up this term.  This week we will have assessments on Wednesday (Math) and Thursday (Science/Social Studies).  Students received their study guides today.  Also, we are going to present our in class SS projects on Thursday and Friday.

Some students are confused about physical and chemical changes.  Here are a couple videos they can watch to help:

I have also sent out a link for Student-Led conferences.  Be sure to sign-up!  If you did not receive the invite, please let me know.

Students also received a permission slip for our field trip to the Breman Jewish Heritage and Holocaust Museum.  Please return these as soon as possible.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Prophet

We're Going to Be Friends!

Here we are, no one else We walked to school all by ourselves There's dirt on our uniforms From chasing all the ants and worms We clean ...